Josh brought the kids in this morning to the Halloween Fun Day that a group I am on planned. We had games, crafts, prizes and of course CANDY! They had a blast and it was fun to see them come in the door with their costumes on... SO ADORABLE!!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Our local bowling alley was having their re-grand opening, so we left Bella once again with mom and took the boys bowling. They had a blast and didn't want to leave even after a few games. Guess we will have to take them there a little more often! :)
Friday, October 23, 2009
Looking for things to entertain the kids while they are trapped in our house is always a fun event... I found these great car projects while looking through a magazine and enlisted Josh's help to create them. They had a wonderful time making them, although Beau's lasted all of 2 minutes and Brody's didn't last much longer. Oh well, it is the thought that counts right?? :)


Make up work...
Since Brody has been out of school for the whole week, I called his teacher to see what letter they have been working. She was nice enough to send us his work that he had been missing for the letter a. This included painting construction paper apples with an actual apple. SO MUCH FUN!! (insert sarcasm here...) The boys did have a lot of fun and I had paint from one end of the kitchen to the other, mostly thanks to Beau joining in the fun too.
How many...
So, we had our Scavenger Hunt last Saturday and had a ton of fun! Some of us obviously had too much fun and decided to have a "how many coloring changing cheetos can you fit in your mouth contest". Reg won by a landslide... He might have been the only competitor, but it was still pretty funny!


6, COUNT 'EM, 6!

6, COUNT 'EM, 6!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Bella gets involved...
So, you knew that I just had to do it!! Bella is the only one of my kids that has been small enough to fit into a pumpkin (or we just got a huge pumpkin this year!) Anyhow, we had a great time playing around with her and the pumpkin and not once did she shed the tears that I thought were inevitable... That's a great thing when you got a dorky mom that wants to put you into a cold and slimy pumpkin!!
Carving Pumpkins...
Tonight is the first night of MEA break and since Beau has been running a fever and we couldn't go out to do anything, we decided that tonight would be the night to carve our pumpkins. With a few minor mishaps.... including a broken bowl and a whole lot of pumpkin seeds, we made some wonderful creations. Brody actually carved part of his own pumpkin this year - wasn't expecting that quite yet! :) He did a great job and was very proud of it...
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
My little pumpkins..
Bella's new trick...
Bella just figured out clapping and joins in the boys escapades very often with an excited clap of the hands....
Brody at the Fire Station
For preschool and E.C.F.E. we took a field trip to the fire station on Tuesday night. Beau was home with a fever, but Brody got to check out all the trucks and watch a video showing the firemen burning down and practicing putting out his babysitter's old house. He had a great time and even got to try on Grandpa Carl's boots....
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Big brother helper!
Brody can be so wonderful to have around at times! :) He is so great with Bella and tries to help out MOST of the time. While there are times that he has "accidentally" dropped her while trying to carry her around, I know that he means well and loves her like crazy! He has gotten away from wanting to feed her and hold her all the time, so the other day when he asked to feed her again I couldn't resist getting a quick snapshot!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
First snow of the season...
Well, we skipped from summer to winter all in a week. Not a lot of time for fall, but the kids were pretty excited when the snow started to fall last night. They ate breakfast quickly and begged to have their snowpants and jackets put on so they could run outside and start playing in the snow! I am not sure how long it will last, but it was fun for the morning...
Water + bubbles = FUN!
So, a good friend of mine that I met my first year of teaching has a great blog where I tend to pick up on some fun ideas! She is a teacher, turned stay at home mom like I am and has some great ideas of things to do with the kids... Here is one of them, THANKS SONJA!! They had a blast, just digging for hidden people and animals in the bubbly water...
Friday, October 9, 2009
Christmas came early!
So, Josh and I have been on the hunt for bunk beds for the boys, since they moved in together. We finally found a GREAT deal on Craigslist and jumped on it! Yippee!! This was supposed to be their Christmas present, so I guess we got a little pre-Christmasing going on here... We went and picked them up last night and I spent the morning alternating between taking care of the kids and putting the bunks together that they so badly wanted to sleep in!! (Josh nixed the idea of putting them together last night at 9:30!) So, hopefully naps go well today!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Big week for Bella!
So, this week was a huge week for us at our house! Bella had her first head wound... Her cousin threw a helmet across the room and hit Bella in the head. Blood was streaming down her face, arm and pants by the time that I got to her. She had a nice gash and bump on her head, but stopped crying as soon as I picked her up. I think that she is going to be one tough cookie! Then on the 30th she pushed her first tooth through! Yay!! Today was the biggest news though, she started full on crawling. She has slowly been taking 2-3 crawls at a time, but now she is sort of "crusising" around. At least she is getting where she wants to pretty quickly! Wow, she is growing up so fast!
Itasca State Park
We had a family night the other night and took the kids to Itasca State Park - The Headwaters of the Mississippi. They had a night nature walk, where they had costumed animals of the night that talked to us and told us a little bit about themselves. Maybe a little over the kids heads, but they had fun anyways. Beau was a little nervous at first, but started to get into it at the end. We ended the night with a free concert and crafts in their main building. It was a good "free" event to get us out of the house.
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