Sunday, January 2, 2011

Winter fun!

I had to snap a few pictures to prove that you still can have fun outside even when it is freezing outside! :) The windchill this day was a balmy -20 with windchill and the kids wanted to go outside for a bit. I figured that it would be one of those put on all their gear and then take it all off a few minutes later days, but I was way wrong!! They were outside for over an hour and had so much fun!! Josh said that his building was blocking a big part of the wind, so that was helpful! They went out in the morning and helped Josh to plow the driveway and then in the afternoon to make the "fort" in our front yard!

Josh, Brody and Bella

Josh, Brody and Bella - plowing out our driveway...

Josh and Beau


The brave cousins that joined us to play...

Gavin under the bridge...

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