Thursday, January 6, 2011


I'm a little scared to admit it, but wrestling has entered my household. Those of you that know me know that I am a basketball girl all the way... I know absolutely ZERO about wrestling. Unfortunately I have a husband that loves wrestling and a nephew that is already a member of the wrestling team. Add those two things together and throw in a kindergarten teacher whose husband is one of the wrestling coaches and you get a 5 year old that really wants to be a part of the wrestling team.

So, Monday night, Josh takes Brody and Beau to Brody's first practice. Imagine my surprise when he comes home with not one of those god awful singlets, but TWO!! So, here we are with two boys in wrestling... Two boys that are VERY EXCITED to be in wrestling! Break out the Wrestling for Dummies book mom, cause you might be a lifer if this excitement continues!

But honestly, don't they look stinkin' adorable?? (oh whoops, I mean tough as nails?? :)

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