Sunday, October 28, 2012

Carve it up!

Pumpkin carving last night! We got a late start at it but the kids did fantastic... Braxton wasn't feeling so hot but he hung out with us and played with the pumpkins and even tried to make one of his own. Brody has gotten to the point that he pretty much carves his on his own and it is so fun to see him working so hard at it. Beau did a good chunk of his too - can't believe how fast they grow up and start to be so independent... It used to be more for Josh and I that we carved pumpkins and now they are all picking their own and doing them!

Brody, Beau and I starting on the pumpkins...

Bella waiting not so patiently for Josh to finish the outline...



Braxton creating his masterpiece...

Intense concentration by both of the boys!! Tongues out and all!





All of our pumpkins! (You can see Braxton's "op art" in the middle - the one I took of his individually didn't turn out so I will have to retake! :)

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