Sunday, July 21, 2013

More tubes...

Braxton was in for round 2 of tubes in his ears a few weeks ago and was a rock star!! He has had tubes put in before but one fell out so we were dealing with ear infection after ear infection so they decided to put them back in. He is used to the whole rigamarole of the doctor's office, so he just hops onto the scale, turns his ear for the thermometer, hands the nurse his pointer finger for the oxygen monitor... he knows the drill! It's super cute, or super sad, depending on how you look at it... He also knows that he gets a sucker when we are there. So, every person that came in the room from the nurse to the anethesiologist to the doctor got asked "sucker?" as soon as they walked into the room. It was pretty funny. He got distracted prior to surgery with the bed and moving it up and down and jumped into the arms of the nurse when she was ready to take him back to the operating room. He came back to the room about 10-15 minutes later and slept for about 45 minutes. The second he woke up he uncovered, rolled off my lap and the bed, walked up to the nurse in the room and said "sucker?"... He knew what he wanted! :) He was happy with a popsicle and we were on our way. Easiest patient ever! :) So far we have been ear infection free and having much more restful nights!

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