Sunday, April 13, 2014

Brody's Friend Party!

Brody had a lot of thinking to do to figure out what he wanted to do with his friend party this year. He was torn between bowling, Chuck-E-Cheese, biking the Heartland Trail, camping or roller skating... Finally he narrowed it down and decided that he wanted to go roller skating, which meant mom had to get her butt in gear and do some major party planning quick. Okay, so I just had to get the invitations out. Makes it a little trickier when the roller rink is only open on Fridays and the next few weeks were already booked up! :) So, I threw the invites in Brody's backpack and went grocery shopping. The boys (and Elyse) were AWESOME and they all had a great time. Most of them had not been skating before so it made it a little more entertaining, but they were all great sports about it and tried their best! We took the rest of the kids with us as well, in a separate vehicle thank God because while Braxton did a great job skating and trying to keep up with the big boys, he did have a major meltdown which led to an early retreat for Josh and the rest of our crew. What a night!

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