Saturday, January 11, 2014


3rd grade is the grade that the kids get to start basketball in Sebeka. Brody decided for this year to do both and see which one he likes the best. He had his first wrestling meet last Friday night and his first basketball tournament on Saturday... Talk about a weekend of sports and running for our family! :) But, we packed up the snacks, ds's, ipods and toys and headed out for a morning of basketball. It was a little rough since they are all pretty new to playing and there was only 4 of them, so Teagen got pulled up to play with them, but it was a lot of fun to watch them out there! They ended up placing 3rd out of 3 teams... I can't wait to see how much better they become in the future. So far Brody is enjoying it a lot.

4 out of the 5 players at the tournament... Brody, Teagen, Eion and Dylan
fan club! (or the lucky younger siblings that get dragged to all the sports that their older siblings do!)

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