Sunday, January 26, 2014

Big boy!!

It's so close that I can taste it!! The beginning of a world without pacifiers, bottles, cribs and DIAPERS!!! Braxton has decided that he is a "big boy" and he doesn't need to wear a diaper anymore... So, the potty training has begun. The first week and a half was a constant battle of peeing and pooping in our underwear, but we have seemed to have gotten it somewhat figured out! We are on day 4 of no accidents and mom couldn't be happier! When we are on the go somewhere, we put a pull up on, which to him obviously looks like a swim diaper because he keeps talking about going to the water park. So, we went with it! We told him that if he makes it for 7 days without an accident we will take him to the water park... 3 more to go! :)

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